About Aegex Technologies

Aegex Technologies is a global provider of certified intrinsically safe solutions that connect people, assets and data in industries with hazardous locations. By providing real-time collaboration and data insight about operations, Aegex enables companies to make intelligent, data-driven decisions that help transform the way they operate, improving efficiency, safety and productivity.

Aegex solutions, including mobile communications devices and IoT sensors and platform, are certified for use in the world’s most hazardous areas - Class I, II, III Division 1 and ATEX/IECEx Zone 1. Together with our partner ecosystem applications, they bring actionable insights to critical environments such as oil & gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, energy/utilities, aviation and emergency response.

Our aegex10 Intrinsically Safe Tablet, NexVu IoT Solution and future products are supported by a network of strategic partners, technology partners, resellers and distributors around the globe.

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aegex10TM Intrinsically Safe Tablet – Groundbreaking technology that allows people working in hazardous environments to safely connect to the Cloud for real-time information sharing.

NexVu IoT Sensor Modules covering 40+ different environmental conditions including volatile or toxic gases that can be customized into thousands of configurations.

Aegex NexVu IoT Solution for Hazardous Locations – An IoT Solution that runs in both Azure and IBM Watson. The platform supports inputs from NexVu sensors and an array of partner sensors, ranging from wearables to condition monitors, necessary for safe and efficient operation in hazardous locations. The sensors work together to communicate an overall picture of big data in a “meta-scale” facility or location. Analysis of this complete data can help to improve processes and, hence, safety and productivity.

Aegex Intellectual Property – Patented IP for intrinsically safe devices that can be licensed to other device makers, whether involved with hazardous locations or not, to produce the safest devices available worldwide. Read here about our AegexLabs custom advisory and design services.



AegexLabs is the research and development division of Aegex Technologies based in Pecs, Hungary, with testing facilities in Georgia, USA. Our team of engineers and industrial designers, along with our production staff, manage the design and manufacturing of our intrinsically safe tablets and IoT devices. AegexLabs has developed intellectual property based on proprietary methods that make communications and IoT devices safe for combustible environments in the world’s most critical industries.

Safety is Aegex Technologies’ top priority. Our engineering research and development arm, AegexLabs, has developed intellectual property based on proprietary methods that make communications and IoT devices safe for combustible environments in the world’s most critical industries.

From our aegex10TM Intrinsically Safe Tablet – the world’s first Windows 10 tablet to be certified by governing bodies around the globe for operation in Zone 1 and Division 1 hazardous locations – to our intrinsically safe NexVu IoT Solution and sensors, Aegex products are “intrinsically safe” by design, meaning they cannot produce enough energy or heat to cause an explosion.

Unlike “explosion-proof” devices that are built to contain an explosion in a case, Aegex equipment is designed intrinsically safe from the board level, making an explosion impossible in the first place.

Aegex engineers test and re-test all of our products and gain intrinsic safety certifications from multiple certifying bodies to be sure that our products are held to the highest standards of intrinsic safety worldwide.

AegexLabs is the research and development division of Aegex Technologies based in Pecs, Hungary. Our team of engineers and industrial designers, along with our production staff, manage the design and manufacturing of our intrinsically safe tablets and IoT devices.

The Aegex technical support team is also located in AegexLabs. Our experts provide next-day customer service to address any technical questions, plus assist with specific custom builds and configurations required by customers.

Any repairs on Aegex products are performed by accredited, certified facilities to ensure quality work under warranty that always conforms to our certification standards. Product exchanges can be done directly with AegexLabs or can be fulfilled by IBM Global Financing if Aegex products are leased under that program. With either method, your Aegex products are guaranteed by our experts for the highest quality and reliability.

Our Mission: Deliver solutions that impact hazardous industries.

Our Vision: Enable our customers to operate safer, more productive, more efficient businesses.

To achieve our Mission and Vision, we will:

  • 1) Maintain the highest standard of quality in our products and our customer service.
  • 2) Conform to all health, safety, and compliance regulations.
  • 3) Manage all aspects of our business in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
  • 4) Adhere to our human resource, financial, and other related policies.
  • 5) Maintain strict conformity of our Ex certified products to the type approvals as defined in their respective Ex Certificates and Technical Documentation.
  • 6) Ensure our suppliers and contract manufacturing partners strictly comply with our performance criteria and objectives of continual improvement.
  • 7) Develop mutually beneficial relationships and/or contracts with our customers, partners, suppliers, and our employees.
  • 8) Assess the continually changing external and internal factors that impact our interested parties, including our employees, investors, partners, vendors, and customers and leverage our strengths to respond to risks, threats and opportunities.
  • 9) Carry out and keep current a departmental risk analysis of our processes and reduce risks wherever possible (decrease losses and increase efficiency).
  • 10) Enabling each employee to voice their positive impact on achieving our Mission and Vision

Our values at Aegex govern the actions of our team

  • Customer Satisfaction: We strive to exceed our customers’ needs and expectations, offering prompt and solution oriented service in all that we do.
  • Safety Enhancement: We are committed to delivering solutions that improve the health and safety of people that work in hazardous environments, which improves the health and safety of our communities.
  • Results Focus: We work to achieve ambitious goals and to increase the value of our Company through profitable, efficient, and successful business operations.
  • Committed Personnel: We respect our colleagues. Taking initiative to solve new problems, sharing ideas that promote continual improvement, trusting in each other, collaborating for the common good, , and holding oneself accountable form the basis for the entrepreneurial spirit that is valued at Aegex.
  • Ethical Conduct of Business: We conduct business with open dialogue, unquestionable integrity and positive support.
  • Continuous Improvement: We recognize that our customers can signficatly improve productivity,efficiency and safety in businesses. We encourage the positive collaboration of our people, partners, suppliers, and customers that empowers a collective approach to continual improvement.

Aegex Technologies maintains a policy to protect the organization’s informational assets against all internal, external, deliberate, and accidental threats.
We are committed to:

  • Meeting or exceeding information security management requirements as required by our customers, employees, and other parties that work on behalf or with our Company.
  • Ensuring compliance with local statutory requirements including but not limited to GDPR as well as our Privacy Policy.
  • Maintaining necessary protection of our IT systems against malicious attacks and security threats.
  • Proper methods of destruction of customer digital information that may exist on any product that is returned during any repair process.
  • Maintenance and continual improvement of our information security protocols and procedures with respect to networks, communications, storage, access both digital and physical, encryption, with respect to both internal and externally generated information.

Our name, “Aegex,” brings together two concepts of the mythical Aegis shield and “Ex,” the international symbol for Intrinsically Safe. The Aegis shield was carried by Athena and Zeus into battle and protected both gods and mortals from the hazards of battle. Combining the ancient Aegis with the modern designation for safety, “Ex”, we have created a name and business that is built around the concept of protecting customers in hazardous duty, providing hardware and software that helps enterprises operating hazardous locations to better and more safely manage their people and assets.

Aegex is committed to mitigating climate change by embracing technologies and methodologies that reduce carbon emissions and promote energy efficiency.

We continue to seek improvements in our supply chain and operations. Producing our packaging from recycled materials allows further recycling as part of our commitment to a circular economy. Further, we continue to identify recyclable materials in product development and production whenever possible.

We developed our FACTS product to bring traceability and carbon intensity tracking to the biofuel feedstock market. Designed to help companies comply with California Air Resource Board (CARB) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, FACTS is another example of how Aegex is bringing technology to enable companies to meet their low-carbon commitments.

Whether providing hardware tools in hazardous environments, or helping to improve processes for positive environmental impact, Aegex Technologies remains focused on improving industries’ environmental impact.

Our Offices

Aegex is a global company with offices worldwide.


Aegex Technologies is continually striving to make hazardous industries safer and more efficient with our intrinsically safe enterprise communications and IoT solutions.


Aegex Technologies is seeking highly motivated, team-oriented, technology-savvy individuals to expand opportunities globally.


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