Improving Field Services for Consulting Engineers

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In critical process manufacturing operations from chemical plants to pharmaceutical facilities to oil and gas operations, consulting engineers design, build and improve industrial assets and processes.

These consultants hail from a variety of disciplines and specialties ranging from technical to managerial. Consulting engineers working in process manufacturing may be specialty engineers (chemical, petroleum, process, electrical, mechanical), planners, CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) operators, technologists, surveyors, geoscientists, architects, environmental consultants, archaeologists, economists, construction specialists or other specialists, depending on the project. Many help to coordinate an entire team’s activities, while others advise solely on issues related to their own area of expertise.

In each case, consulting engineers rely on accurate, time-sensitive communications and data to deliver sage advice to ensure not only superior project design but also the best possible implementation and ongoing operation of critical assets and processes.

New technologies are enabling better communications among consulting engineers and teams in hazardous area operations where only certified mobile devices are permitted for safety reasons. Intrinsically safe tablets enable engineers to quickly and easily locate, create and share digital information in the field without the concern associated with typical mobile devices that could potentially ignite a combustible environment.

With intrinsically safe tablets, engineers consulting chemical and oil and gas operations can:

• Deploy industry-specific applications to complete calculations, sketches, CAD designs
• Share digital plans, drawings or other details with architects
• Modify or edit plans collaboratively in real time with contractors
• Communicate via voice or video with project managers and team members
• Schedule and coordinate teams for construction, testing, inspection and review efforts
• Close out phases of work process
• Complete inspection reports
• Store or share reporting and updates
• Recall stored or online information about site, progress, regulations
• Consult offsite experts on specific issues
• Connect work orders and change order requests to back-office systems
• Complete Contemplated Change Notices (CCN) and site reviews

While engineering consultants could complete these activities onsite with pencil and paper, digital technologies significantly speed them up and improve accuracy. Intrinsically safe tablets certified for use on potentially explosive job sites greatly assist various types of consulting engineers in the field, such as petroleum engineering consultants who design extraction methods and must work at onshore or offshore drilling sites.

They also enable chemical engineers to more easily test manufacturing equipment and direct modifications to facility operations without compromising safety. Pharmaceutical engineering consultants advising on equipment setup or process safety benefit from pertinent regulatory or quality assurance information at their fingertips on tablets, even in volatile environments.

Do you have an engineering project that requires consultants to work in hazardous areas? Schedule an appointment with Aegex Technologies sales engineers to learn how aegex10 Intrinsically Safe Tablets can help facilitate engineering consultants’ activities.